When to Find Me

You can come to me with something completely unique, but it can also be completely ordinary things that you are not satisfied with.

Each man has a different way

Different people, different paths, different problems, and different solutions. You can come to me with something completely unique, but it can also be ordinary things that you are not satisfied with. Everything has a solution. Together, we will focus on six basic human needs and identify which zones you are in and clarify the next steps. Do you see yourself in any of the following points?

My day-to-day routine is the same and I am not moving anywhere.

I do things to the best of my ability, using my time and energy, without seeing any significant results. 

I can’t find my motivation and meaning in life.

I’m burnt out. It is not possible without motivation and clear goals.

I don’t know much about myself.

One is sometimes dissatisfied, but cannot name the problem. This is also something we can focus on during the consultation.

I am looking for a new way to happiness.

I feel like I have everything I need for happiness. I’m on top, but inside I feel weak and empty.

I want to restart my relationship.

To yourself or to your partner. Sometimes a third and unbiased look can help more than the opinion of friends.

I recognize myself on some of these points and want to do something about it.

And why join Coaching by Vera?

I am an attentive listener and a curious coach. Together we will focus on the process of change from the current state, exiting from the comfort zone, chaos, finding oneself after hitting rock bottom, overcoming a momentous change, to the point of beginning to change, growing self-confidence and final change.

By focusing on the current problem or question, we can view different perspectives which aren’t often considered. We will be able to dive deeper into certain situations together and set up minor life changes that will help you orient yourself better.

We will identify and set short-term goals that are achievable step by step. From my own experience, I am very happy to deal with personal authentic truth – the so-called mirror adjustment and the search for answers or connections to questions that would not occur to you.

The methods and knowledge on which I base my work refer to the Strategic Intervention Coaching. It is one of the best educational institutions in the world. You can read more about it here.