Vera Petrtylova, life coach


Your personal path is one step away. You’re doing it right now.

It’s good to know where you’re going in your life. But remember, the only thing that matters is the steps and actions you are doing right now – the present you. Only in the present can you break out of your past and take important steps for your future. What are you doing for your future right now? You are reading my words. And probably looking for a way to happiness.

Do you see yourself in one of these problems?

If so, maybe it’s time to talk.

And who am I?

​I am an extroverted person who likes a logical world full of facts, as well as an inner world full of emotions. I like learning new things and meeting new people. I love a world full of cats. When I need to recharge, I go to the mountains, to high altitudes. I love discovering new places, especially places untouched by humans. At the same time, I return to the places that appealed to me with their energy. Antarctica is my dream vacation. I have been involved with upper management of marketing and PR for IT corporations for over 30 years. Read more


„I approached Vera because I was in a state where I was not sure what direction to take professionally.

However, the first meetings were not focused on work, but about me. I needed to open up my inner self and clarify my feelings, needs, roles and desires.

Our sessions together took place in complete openness and trust. Thanks to this I started to find myself and managed to realize what I expect from both my personal and professional life. Vera exudes confidence and commitment to lend a helping hand. I am very grateful to her for what we have achieved together. I am pleased with myself for where I have moved. I am sure there will be a continuation and I am already looking forward to our further work together. “

― Robert/Sr. Financial Controller