Find out who I am
I am an extroverted person who likes a logical world full of facts, as well as an inner world full of emotions. I like learning new things and meeting new people. I love a world full of cats. When I need to recharge, I go to the mountains, to high altitudes. I love discovering new places, especially places untouched by humans. At the same time, I return to the places that appealed to me with their energy. Antarctica is my dream vacation. I have been involved with upper management of marketing and PR for IT corporations for over 30 years.
I have always been very determined and constantly work on myself.
I started as an assistant and gradually worked my way up to where I am now. Thanks to my current position, I meet managers and directors from all over the world. I have the opportunity to talk to them about their stories, desires and priorities. I get to know different cultures and find out how they are the same and how they are different. In the end, we all care about one thing – being happy.
But I lost my way to happiness for a while. Due to busyness and lack of time, I began to fall behind with my own priorities. As usual, such a pace of life cannot be maintained forever. After 30 years, I knew it wouldn’t go that way. My body and mental state began to warn me that it was time for a change.
So I started working on my self-development and priorities. I educated myself, I learned various methods and therapies. I changed my lifestyle and pursued my goals. Over the years, I have gained experience that has calmed my mind and improved my physical condition. My next step was becoming a coach and helping people in need, a natural development in my path to happiness.
For a long time, I looked for a direction that would appeal to me. I decided on Strategic Intervention Coaching and completed an extensive course. Now I am here for others, and I pass on the experiences that I have gained during my life. I am their partner and I try to guide them on the right path.